
Friday, November 29, 2013

Animals in the Hood

Gail spotted this very large praying mantis in her mom's yard while we were working there - the biggest I have ever seen!

This afternoon we were picking up trash along a local thoroughfare (our non-consumer response to "Black Friday"), when Gail yelled, "A snake!"  She had found a San Diego Night Snake under an irrigation valve cover.  I have never seen one before, although they are probably fairly common.  They have a venomous bite that immobilizes small salamanders, mice, etc., but is no threat to humans.  It was about one foot long.

A few minutes later, we found these two pretty bowls in great condition.

Our bird feeders attract hawks that prey on other birds.  Gail spotted this Cooper's Hawk or Sharp-shinned Hawk eating one of our birds on the neighbor's TV antenna.

Our hummingbird feeders are humming with constant hummers.  This little Anna's is showing off his tongue.  Their tongues actually are forked and extend much further than the one in this picture.

This male Anna's was flashing an unusually pink gorget.

We have so many goldfinches!  Their feeder looks like this much of  the day.  Well, that's the latest in backyard news.

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