
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Feeder News

Just a little update on what has been happening at our bird feeders.

We got a feeder for nyjer seed which so far is a hit with goldfinches.

Sometimes we have up to nine at one time.
The other day, a black-headed grosbeak came around, and would come in, take one sunflower seed, and high tail it to the trees.

The house finches, on the other hand, sit around in groups, munching all day.

The grosbeak, uh, has a gross beak, yes?

Don't be talkin' 'bout me like that!

The hummingbird wars are in full fling these days, with Anna's and Allen's trying to chase all others away.  This little Anna's likes to perch on a hanging plant near one of the feeders.  We had two great horned owls hooting the other night, coyotes yipping lately, opossums cleaning up our dirty dishes accidentally left outside, and once again, monarch butterfly caterpillars are back to re-defoliate our butterfly weed.  Such is the exciting life in our backyard!

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