
Friday, July 22, 2011

Fun at Hendry's Beach

It was a beautiful, warm day at Hendry's Beach on Monday. Gail spotted a couple drift branches that someone had balanced on an upright log. Our creative and goofy impulses took over and we soon started to add a more organic theme to the structure.

We added bamboo ribs, other detritus, and stones, but... the sand was scalding hot. Gail is wearing her sweatshirt on her feet - I had to run with a little blanket and hop on it after short little bursts. OUCH!!

Lookin' good and ready for subhuman antics!


One Praising Sculpture

Two Praising Sculpture

Feeling the Power

Flashback to Dance of the Hot Sands

The Look

The Rapture

1 comment:

Andria said...

Look at you crazy kids!! Glad you had a fun time!

Aunt Berta is as cute as ever.

Those bikes look great....hope you can keep up with MY kids when we get to CA.