Mom and Dad bought these Schwinn bikes in 1974. I pulled them out of the basement, put on some new tires and tubes, and they were ready for the road - sort of. They need a little TLC in the form of polish, oil, and brake pads. Hitting the brakes lets out startling squeals that can terrify children and animals.

I plan to have these bikes on the ready at my future home near the ocean.

My dear friend Gail and I took the bikes for a shakedown run at the beach. There are some unusual vehicles parked down there.

This van is covered in toys and other geegaws, inside and out. The owner just sits on a lawn chair and greets tourists with, "Welcome to Santa Barbara! Feel free to take pictures, but we ask that you put a donation in the globe." Or something like that. What an easy gig! Brilliant!!

This van displayed more sophisticated artwork.

Gail bows in awe at the craftsmanship displayed by this camper.

Gail very generously volunteered to come up from Escondido to help Berta, Paul, and I get the house ready to sell. We had a blast the days she was here, working, eating, and getting out of the house - we all miss her fun loving spirit and helpfulness.
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