When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe - John Muir
Friday, July 22, 2011
Cruisin' the Beach in Santa Barbara
La Cumbre Peak Assault
Fun at Hendry's Beach
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Playful Pelicans
Below are 2 videos I took with my new iPhone (yes, I'm cool) while I was siphoning stuff off the bottom of the pools in the pelican aviary. These are all first year pelicans (about 40) who were found on beaches. They were starving, too weak to fly, and all would have died. Some have other problems like injuries and infected splinters in their feet. Anyway, they are recovering nicely, and like kids, like to play with things. Here, they are playing with the siphon hose I'm trying to use, and a garden hose that is running. They are definitely curious, and very observant. I love them!
It was a long day of bird care with the pelicans, dozens of herons and egrets, hatching bitterns (16 eggs, about 12 hatched so far), a kestrel, 8 killdeer, coot, grebes, murres, and others. And, we're getting word from NAR in Santa Cruz, that they are getting a lot of loons, which means many will be sent to us.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Stebbins Cold Canyon Reserve
The trail follows the spine of the ridge for a couple miles. You could see UC Davis out in the distance to the east, and the lake to the west.
Two sweaty dudes at one of the viewpoints. It was a great day of knocking around, talking, and seeing plenty things to keep us entertained.