Yesterday, I went for a hike up at Zim Zim Creek. I was quickly reminded why summer isn't the best time for that part of the county - it was in the ninetys, and Zim Zim offers little shade. This is also the reason I didn't see a single soul all day after leaving the car.

As the falls came into view, I thought how nice it would be to swim in the deep pool at the foot of the falls.
You can imagine my disappointment, though, when I saw that the pool was full of thick algae.
It was also home to schools of fish, orange dragonflies, and some garter snakes. I pressed on up the mountainside, around the falls, and then down to the creek above the falls. I found this nice pool, and some cool relief. It had fish as well as a turtle to keep me company.

I had never been this far up the canyon, but from the trail high above it appeared to be uninhabited wilderness as far as the eye can see. This is a long wilderness corridor extending from Clear Lake to Lake Berryessa, roughly 25 miles.
1 comment:
Nice swimming hole! Cool snake video, too -- it came out so clear.
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