I was in Santa Barbara the past week attending to house matters. Sunday, I took a day off and decided to get out of the week-long fog and drizzle that has persisted there, and hiked up to La Cumbre Peak. Below is the view I was hoping for along with the warmth of the sun.

Climbing up through a cloud, I was amazed by how many flowers were still in bloom.

The ghostly burned over bushes were remains from the Jesusita Fire.

Up near the top, I broke into sunshine. This beautiful Tiger Whiptail lizzard was enjoying the warmth as he hunted the ground for bugs and small lizzards. They are large, very fast, active, and seldom stop moving when out.

Above the fog at almost 4,000 feet.

Pretty thistle.

The yuccas added a high desert quality.

These flowers reminded me of sea worms - the kind that stick out of the sand.
AWESOME picture!!! That first one is frame-worthy. I may, in fact, ask for it as our Christmas present..... just plotting for the future here...
Those coyotes -- holy cow!! You did manage good footage; I can't even imagine what they were like for the first few minutes. It was like you were at the International Wolf Center, with the views of the coyotes through the window....amazing. I'm glad they didn't eat you when you went to get your camera.
Great photos, Bob. That brilliant sunshine above the clouds must have been a welcome break from the fog. Looks like a neat trail up.
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