My student Amy did an amazing job pulling together her senior project after a traumatic year. I was technically her mentor, helping with her portfolio, making contacts, and keeping her on track.

Elaine gets a big shout-out for volunteering 31 hours to teach her how to make a quilt. It actually all became fun because Amy seemed to be having a great time, and shared an endearing sense of humor.

The men, about to do frog dissection.

Love the safety glasses!

The annual rocket project. First period shows off the goods.

Some of the guys.

We took Nora and Mercedes out for lunch on Mothers Day, three days after Mom passed away. We will never be able to thank them enough for all they did for Mom and Dad, and guiding us through some difficult times.

Letting off a little steam. Mike Clark got us all out of our funk for awhile. Here he played Hollywood photographer and had us cracking up - much needed relief!
I love seeing what you are doing with your class!
Nora is really into rockets lately -- asked for a stomp rocket for earning 15 stars on her chart. I bet she'd love to fire off rockets with you someday!!
It was a great experience working with Amy. You should have included the picture you took with her. We were like nervous parents, weren't we?
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