
Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Yachats River Valley Farm tour

On Saturday the 11th, there was a farm tour of some of the little farms along our road. About 8 farms participated, opening their properties for the day.  Here are pictures from 3 of the farms we visited.

 We started off at Nancy Kroner's The Ranch, which raises beef, poultry, fruit, and berries.  There is also this cool pond with a flock of geese.

 Gail bought an apple pie!

 Baked goods were for sale, and free virgin mint juleps were offered to everyone.

 Nancy's farm house. The property has many huge mature trees such as apples, walnuts, and redwoods.

 Next stop was River Wind Farm, owned and run by Ann Jensen.

 One of her several greenhouses that provide produce for local restaurants.  Ann is a wiry senior who has had a couple of heat strokes working in her greenhouses. She works hard like all the other growers during the growing season.

 Next stop was Forks Farm Flowers, owned and operated by Catherine Lucido.

Some of her garden and home.

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