
Monday, May 7, 2012

Susanna Arrives!

The day before Susanna was born, Nora and I walked over to the beach and did some litter cleanup for Earth Day.  Taking a plastic bag to the beach for at least a little cleanup every time we go has become a habit for Gail and me.

Leaving the environment a little better than we found it.

On the way back from the beach we watched this Great Blue Heron at Estero Park.  The birds there are very approachable!

This is what we were waiting for - Susanna! Here she is, less than two hours old!  Monday, April 23, 2012.

Soren was immediately transfixed and wanted to hold her.  Nora was a little more cautious.  Can you believe how together and cheery Andria is post labor?

Holding a very precious little bundle of joy!

The next morning, Soren had a little "Baba time" at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Splash Zone.

Susanna, her family, and her home.  Tuesday afternoon, April 24.

1 comment:

Andria said...

WE were SO glad to have you there!!! Thanks for all your help. Look how crazy my family looks in that last picture.

Dave looks like he is posing for some military photograph ; the rest of us look insane -- particularly Soren.