
Friday, March 25, 2011

Goin' Outside Between Storms

We have had another week of rainy weather, but this morning it looked like there would be a little break, or at least nothing serious. I went to Skyline Wilderness Park, and climbed to the top of Sugar Loaf, where it started to rain again.

A Western Bluebird in the picnic area.

At Heron Lake was a pair of Wood Ducks.

A little further up the trail, a pair of White-tailed Kites were building a nest somewhere nearby.

It's nice to see Acorn Woodpeckers on a tree rather than a power pole.

A lot of wetness in the wetlands, looking southwest of Napa.

When I got home, there was a pair of Red-shouldered Hawks in the tree across the street. It seems to be one of their favorite perches, as I have seen them there off and on for several months.

I put up my hummingbird feeder about 3 weeks ago. This is "Flea", a male Anna's Hummingbird. I saw Flea perch on the feeder for 21 minutes straight a few days ago. He has been driving off at least one other male hummer to protect his feeder. Something I learned in the marvelous book "Birdology" is that the bright red/purple color is caused by air in the males head and throat feathers, which causes a prismatic affect when sunlight hits at the right angle. The color is not part of the feathers.

Same bird, purple head. Well, that was a taste of my day today. Hmmm, shall I reheat that soup one more time, or...?

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