
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Getting Ready For The Wild Things Festival

 Our friend and SWIFTY founder, Jim Welch, has organized a Wild Things Festival for Yachats. He has pulled in the new Chamber of Commerce director who did much of the planning also.  The festival will have a family friendly focus and bring in environmentalists, artists, and entertainers for a full day of wild things education and fun.  Gail and I have been volunteering the past 3 Sundays to work on giant puppets under the direction of artist Michael Guerriero.

Michael built simple wooden frames for the puppets, then we used strips of cardboard to give the animals shape,  From here, the high school art class paper mached the structures.  

Gail and I worked on this puffin the first weekend.

The 3rd weekend, we painted the puppets

The puffin is looking good!

I painted the orange sea star with a little help from Jim's partner, Kathryn.  That's Michael putting some touches on the otter.

The big day is this coming weekend, May 11!

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