
Friday, March 22, 2024

Duck Box Install At Oxbow

 Yesterday, Gail, Paul, and I put in two duck boxes at The Oxbow on the north side of Alsea Bay just outside of Waldport.  This is on land managed by the Lincoln County Watershed District. I made the boxes and predator guards.  Paul is a master cabinetmaker as a hobby, and is making a couple more duck boxes from scraps of of cedar he has glued together.  

The first box we put on an old levee.

The second box we put in on the "shore".  Paul and Gail were a big help in getting these in.  We had to carry everything about a quarter of a mile.  I managed to find a deep spot and plunged into the water up to my butt.  It was a fun outing, and we are hopeful that some Wood Ducks will take to nesting in these boxes.  

Moose In Sarah's Yard

Sarah, my sister in Anchorage, sent us pictures this morning of a young moose nibbling her landscaping in her backyard.  She kindly lets moose do their thing while she observes these magnificent animals from her kitchen.

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