
Monday, August 2, 2021

Bob's Bionic Heart

 Last Wednesday morning, I found this waiting for me when I came to the table.  Thanks, Hon!  

Thursday morning we took off for Corvallis at 4:00 A.M.  I had my new pacemaker implanted, and we were back in the car for the 2 hour drive home by 1:00 P.M.  The staff were super, very caring, friendly, and experienced.  The routine ran like a well oiled machine.  

Below is my old pacemaker, which I asked for while I was "under the knife".  This little device had kept me alive for the past 8 years and 3 months.  Without it, I would have had no heartbeat.  

On Friday, the next day, we did a 5 mile hike at Enchanted Valley down by Florence.  What a difference a day makes! The ten days before yesterday, I had to stop and catch my breath and wait for the dizziness to subside just to get the mail at the end of  our driveway due to "Old Faithful" going into power save mode.

                                                       Purple Martins

Yesterday, I went with Wally and Jim down to Florence to look at and photograph the Purple Martins that have colonized numerous martin boxes that have been installed on pilings over the years.  Purple Martins are the largest species of swallow, and they are very social.

Some of the Purple Martin condos.

The adult males are a dark blue purple.  Females and immature males are the lighter birds.

I read that Native Americans in the distant past, and currently, hung gourds for the Purple Martins to nest in near their crops because these birds devour so many flying insects.  The Purple Martins in the eastern half of the U.S. nest only in boxes and gourds put up by people, and no longer nest in tree cavities.  A big reason for this is the introduction of House Sparrows and Starlings to North America. They occupy so many of the natural nest cavities.

Highway 101 goes over that bridge, with sand dunes behind.

It was a beautiful morning with great light and no wind.

                                                 Cardinal Meadowhawk
                                                           (Sympetrum illotum)

I photographed this dragonfly  at our fish pond using my macro lens.

                                                              Lynx rufus

                             This bobcat appeared below the house.  Catch some gophers, please!

                                                         Ardea herodias

  This Great Blue Heron was down at our Baboon Beach.  Please, stay away from our fish pond!

1 comment:

Nick said...

Wish I could have been there for your "heartwarming party" :) Nothing Half-hearted about you, Dad! I'm glad you're back to normal!
Interesting to learn about the Purple Martins and their assisted housing and mutual relationship with humans.
Beautiful dragonfly, and nice videos!