
Friday, October 20, 2017

Boden Canyon Trail Observations

Yesterday, we hiked Boden Canyon in order to place our two trail cams back out there. It was finally a day cool enough to not break a sweat! The following are a few things we saw along the way:

 At first we thought, wow, cougar scat!  We then realized that cougars do a better job of digesting bone, and probably would not have swallowed two or three deer hooves.  The scat was also surrounded by other coyote scat.

   We teased it apart and saw what looked to be at least three deer hooves along with broken up bone. A coyote probably found the remains of a deer carcass, and chewed up the leg bones for the marrow.

 A few miles further the trail had soft dirt with many different animal tracks.  This appears to be a cougar track with a small track on toe one or four.

 We also saw this juvenile Southern Pacific Rattlesnake moving off the trail.

It was about a foot long, and had the yellow tail and single button of a newborn.  Rattlesnakes give birth in the fall.

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