
Saturday, May 6, 2017

New Trails at Lake Hodges

Gail and I hiked a couple new (for us) trails at Lake Hodges yesterday.  It was overcast and muggy. I told Gail that on days like this you might see a Rosy Boa.  Rosy Boas, technically called Northern Three-lined Boas, usually don't come out in the daytime.

 A new bird sighting for us was this Yellow-breasted Chat.  It was singing up a storm mimicking other birds like a mockingbird or thrasher.

 A Black-headed Grosbeak was not far away.

 Gail spotted this juvenile California Kingsnake along the edge of the trail after I had walked by it.  This was on the Bernardo Peak Trail.

 This sign seemed like a joke, or maybe just unnecessary in this area.

 Bingo! An adult Northern Three-lined Boa was on the Bernardo Lake View Trail.

We measured her to be 32 inches in length before placing her into the brush and off the trail.

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