
Sunday, April 9, 2017

South Clevenger Canyon Hike

Yesterday, Saturday, we took a hike east of Escondido at South Clevenger Canyon.  This was a 4.2 mile out and back with about a 1,000 foot gain.  We had two sightings that were unusual.

Can you see it?  A horned lizard using its first defense, camouflage.

A young juvenile Blainville's Horned Lizard, a first for us since being in San Diego County.

 Our next sighting was a little easier to see!  Right on the trail was this beautiful Northern Three-lined Boa, formerly called a Rosy Boa.

 They are slow moving docile snakes, but can strike their prey with surprising speed, and constrict powerfully.  I had a captive bred one for about ten years before passing it on to another teacher when I retired.

We watched it for awhile as it returned to cover and out of sight.

Like a punctuation mark at the end of the hike, a blooming yucca.

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