At the start of the hike, we met two early morning turkey hunters coming out. We saw no one else the whole day. I took my small camera, to give my arms a rest.
We passed this dead Blainville's Horned Lizard that someone had run over.
Next up was this gopher snake getting a little morning sun.
Gail spotted this skunk looking for food.
After a couple miles, we came to the pond that was always dry before - not anymore!
There were ducks, bullfrogs, and Red-winged Blackbirds. What a transformation!
Later, we came upon a flock of Bullock's Orioles.
And another skunk! We have never seen skunks while hiking, and then saw two within an hour.
A mighty Coast Live Oak, cradling Gail for scale.
On the return back towards the car, we came upon another gopher snake. The end.
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