
Friday, July 15, 2016

Photo from Sarah

Yesterday, my sister Sarah sent us a photo taken as she was backing out of her driveway.  She lives in Anchorage, Alaska.

She wrote, "It was quite warm here today…in the 70’s.  Look who showed up to cool off in my neighbor’s sprinkler?  Every time the cool water would sweep over him he would lift his chin up like he was basking in the pleasure.  I was very quiet and was able to get fairly close without disturbing him at all.  
He is just cute as a button.  The wildlife awaits!"

Gee, I get excited to see an opossum in the backyard.  Can't wait to visit Alaska next month! 


Dave said...

The amount and diversity of wildlife you are likely to see should be amazing. Can't wait for that blog post!

Andria said...
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Andria said...

Seriously. Can you imagine catching that on your motion-detector camera??!