
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Mount Calavera

About two miles from our home is our neighborhood hiking spot, the Calavera Preserve.  Besides being home to six endangered species, its centerpiece is Mt. Calavera (calavera means skull).

Mt. Calavera is an extinct volcano, active about 22 million years  ago.  That is Gail going up the steepest route.

The columns of basalt were exposed when this spot was mined for gravel up until the 1930's.  Gail is higher up now in the center of the picture.

Mt. Calavera is one of only 3 volcanic plugs in Southern California.  Gail is getting near the top of the cliff.  The peak is off to the left of the picture.  We often climb the peak from several sides on one hike as conditioning for longer hikes.

Looking down on the area where I took the above pictures from, you can see some stone labyrinths and part of Lake Calavera.

Here I come up through the late afternoon shadows.  Gail took the photo above, and the one below.

The End

1 comment:

Dave said...

Nice shadow pic.