Yesterday, I spent a couple hours wandering around the Antique Gas and Steam Engine Museum in nearby Vista. There are numerous buildings and sheds rambling over the 55 acres, including a blacksmith shop, a weavers building, model railroad building, stage, and grass area.
The following are random pictures of things that interested me.
Dodge Brothers truck.
Autocat truck.
International truck.
Now I know where the 60's rock group Buffalo Springfield got its name!
Part of the very large blacksmith shop.
There are perhaps hundreds of old tractors and other equipment parked in long rows out in the elements - sort of like a tractor graveyard.
What a beast this steam powered tractor must be when it is fired up!
A mini-beast.
The weavers building where several people were weaving away on projects.
There used to be so many different vehicle manufacturers! Most all have disappeared long ago...
including Studebaker, of which this is an awesome example of.
This is a steam powered ammonia compressor used to refrigerate wine in a winery for 50 years. That flywheel is 10 feet in diameter!
More of the grounds - a one of a kind place!
Love that steam-powered tractor! I'd had no idea bout the name "Buffalo Springfield!"
That tractor looks like a train!
Why didn't they call themselves the Buffalo Springfield Rollers, though?
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