
Friday, April 15, 2011

Missouri Botanical Garden

I spent the first week of April in Belleville, Illinois, visiting Andria and her precious family. We always go to the botanical garden in St. Louis, about 35 miles away.
The tulips were coming into their glory.

Nora with a Canada Goose.

This is the entryway to the tropical arboretum, housed in glass.

Andria admiring the rain forest - a warm and humid place to be.

Alien life forms.

Soren and Nora admire an 18 year old Bull Snake. Nora remembered the woman holding the snake from a visit to World Bird Sanctuary two weeks earlier. Nora has no fear of snakes, thanks to her Baba and mom. Soren is a little more cautious.

1 comment:

Andria said...

No pictures of the vulture??