
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Spontaneous Marsh Run

The rainy, cloudy weather broke enough for me to get down to the marsh last night. The moon was full, which once again activated flocks of waterfowl. Coyotes were also howling, and I always seem to get one good startle from the screech of a barn owl. The heavy rains of late also had the frogs croaking in one loud continuous roar. I tried out my wide angle lens on the old building. When the picture below is full screen, you can see the star trails circling the North Star. Each time out I learn a little more. These pictures were taken at about 8:00 pm, and believe me, you can hear much more than you can see.

It's amazing how long exposure photography turns night into day, but with the stars and anything else that gives off light.

1 comment:

Andria said...

It is amazing how much this looks like daytime!! The star trails are really cool!