Today I went on the local Audubon chapter's Friday bird walk. It has been years since Lake Berryessa has gotten so low that you can walk out to Big Island on a land bridge. We saw bald eagle, golden eagle, a prarie falcon chasing down a meadowlark, a kestrel, says phoebes, gray sided gnat-catchers, American pippets, red-tailed hawk, northern harrier, waterfowl and more. After the morning walk, I went out with my camera for a couple hours. Unfortunately (that dreaded word) most of my pictures turned out pure white. Something happened, but I don't know what. I did get a few shots, but I'm sure the others were much better.

The new land bridge going out to Big Island.

An immature bald eagle.

The same eagle.
I know you have been wondering, "What happened to the scorpion?"
Well, now he has learned how to go from the drain, through the overflow passage, to perch at the overflow opening. I have a dilemma - do I sacrifice a living insect for him to stay alive? He is very fast to hide when the lights go on, and I haven't figured out a good way to catch him and take him outside. I can't use the sink either. Hmmm.