
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fleet Week San Francisco

Last week was Fleet Week in San Francisco. Dave, this is especially for you!

The Blue Angels were thrilling, although the low cloud ceiling put them on a modified routine.

This biplane pilot was insane!

How's this for a tight formation!

The local pelicans got into the spirit. This one is in a dive, about to hit the water.

Some of the fleet was pretty old. The California Hornblower here.

I think you can see the pilots' heads.

The Potomac.

The peli's closing out the show.


Dave said...

Thanks for the post, Bob. Fun fact: yesterday, the 13th, was the Navy's birthday. On that date in 1775, the Continental Congress authorized the use of 2 vessels to harass British shipping and thus the American Navy was born. Fleet Week in SF is perhaps the best one around. I went back in 1999 or 2000 on a gloriously sunny Bay Area day and it was a good time. Thanks again! Hope you're doing well.

Dave said...

Dave practically threw me out of the chair when he saw your post. I had to wait 'til he was done reading it to get my seat back.

I think the coolest picture is the one of the pelican diving! You got some great shots. Looks like it was a fun day!

Dave said...

Oops, that's Andria on the 2nd comment there, signed in under Dave's name. I'm sure you figured that out. :)