Last Friday was a good day for a trip to the coast and a new discovery. My friend Gail came along, as she was in much need of a break from many, many hours of relentless bird care and chaos at Bird Rescue the past couple weeks. We were both looking forward to seeing healthy birds in the great outdoors.
Abbott's Lagoon, what a beautiful sanctuary and great "discovery".
At the water's edge was this resting Great Blue Heron. He had no trouble balancing on one leg, on a floating log, in the wind.

Two Eared Grebes were doing a bit of dancing that they are famous for.

Sanderling? Snowy Plover? Sandpiper? Hard for us to say, but if I had to bet, I would say Western Sandpiper.

I think Gail nailed the ID on these two Marbled Godwits.

Marching in step with their splendid bills leading the way.

After zooming in on this picture on the computer and using my books, I believe this to be a Ruddy Duck.

Meanwhile, Mr. Heron senses something and comes to life.

This is one of many hawks we saw while driving around Point Reyes. When in doubt, we go with Red-tailed Hawk.

A begging Raven below the car window in the Drakes parking lot.

We hiked down to Drakes Estero to see Harbor Seals and distant White Pelicans.
We also saw a few Surf Scoters. Two males and a female here. The Point Reyes National Seashore is an amazing place. With a little hiking, you feel like you are truly away from it all and "life is good".
1 comment:
I love Point Reyes!!! It is one of my favorite places.
That raven had quite a beak! And, I think that heron has been doing his tai chi....
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