
Monday, April 7, 2008

Wildflowers of Oat Hill Mine Trail

Right now is the height of wildflower viewing in Napa County. The following pictures were all taken on the Oat Hill Mine Trail over the last 4 years. The amount and variety of flowers varies significantly from year to year, this year being about average. So, pour a glass of Pinot, dim the lights, put your feet up, and enjoy. Whoo-hoo!

Indian Warrior

Sticky Monkey Flower

Paint Brush

Paint Brush and Chia

Canyon Delphinium

Golden Fairy Lantern

Sky Lupine

Chia, California Poppies, and "little white flowers"

Woolly Sunflower

I don't know, but I like it

Common Yarrow

Canyon Dudleya

Foothill Penstemon

Foothill Penstemon with bumblebee

A spring microclimate

Next to the spring, a Big Leaf Maple in fall colors


Andria said...

Wow, Baba, this was comprehensive. Soren and I passed on the Pinot, but we did enjoy the show. The Golden Lantern and Canyon Dudleya are pretty neat flowers. I am now embarrassed that I mis-identified the Canyon Delphinium in my own blog post.

The snake pictures are awesome, too. Dave looked at the one of the snake in the tree and said, "Who sees that?!!" He thinks you are like the Pied Piper of Napa County.

britta said...

Baba- I LOVE your blog! I just discovered it, but will be an avid reader/looker. Please keep posting!