
Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Nest Box Installation With The 4H

 On March 2nd, Wally, Jim,  and I met with the 4H group and some of their parents at the Elk Forage Meadow down the road to install the new Tree Swallow boxes the kids assembled with us in February.  

My plans to organize into teams and have all the kids share in using the tools pretty much went out the window, in part, thanks to the Pacific Tree Frogs in the meadow.

That's Candi, the 4H leader, on the right.

We took down the 14 old boxes that had served the last 14 years, and put up the new ones.

Wally helps a member attach a new box.  Wally turns 80 this week!

It was a fun, if not a little chaotic, morning.  I look forward to having the kids monitor the boxes with me, occasionally, when the swallows start nesting.  We may also do a photography class in the meadow, too.

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