
Friday, September 9, 2022

August Randoms

 The following are some random shots taken in the first 3 weeks of August.

While we were starting the cleanup of a mess left by long term campers, I noticed this hunter's perch up in a tree.

This was some of the mess left in the woods about a mile above our house.  We had seen a couple coming and going for several months last fall and winter, but didn't check out their camp until after we were sure they were gone.  There were items like briefcases, a tennis racket, and a cell phone that made us think they had been stealing from cars.  There were also syringe wrappers.  It is legal to camp in the National Forest for up to two weeks, but we've noticed some folks camping at one spot for over a year.  We and others have reported these camps to the USFS, but there is no enforcement being done.

We plan to take out a bag or two a week of trash from this site.  It could take awhile!  Gail wears her medal, awarded to her by Jim and Ursula Adler, while doing cleanup work.

Cinnabar caterpillars eating up the invasive plant tansy ragwort.

I finally tried out the rotisserie on our giant BBQ that came with our house.  It worked well!

Jim Welch and I visited Ann Jensens's Wind River Farm about a half mile up the road.  She has a beautiful farm on the river.  

A carving marks the pathway down to the river.  Behind it is the grave of one of her relatives.


Gladiolas and crocosmia

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