
Friday, July 1, 2022

Birds In Our Houses

 The birds that nest in our boxes have finally set up housekeeping. It was a late start here due to the wet, cool, weather we've had this spring -  67.26" of rain since January 1.  

A Northern Flicker and Oregon Junco sharing some seeds at our feeder.

I put up 2 chickadee boxes this year, and one of them has a family of Chestnut-backed Chickadees.

Feeding a baby.

Carrying out a fecal sac to keep the nest clean and possibly remove predator attracting scent.

There is a pair of Tree Swallows in this box with nestlings.  

A pair of Violet-green Swallows is also tending nestlings in this hanging box.

And in this new box is another family of Tree Swallows.  Of 6 swallow boxes, 3 are occupied

1 comment:

N. J. said...

Such pretty birds!