
Friday, October 30, 2020

Sarah Has Visitors!

 Four days ago, my sister Sarah, who lives in Anchorage, Alaska, sent me these two photos.  She wrote that she happened to look out her window and saw these two moose in her yard, even though it was dark.  She figured it would be safe to venture out and take a few snapshots before they moved on, as they had no calves, and were in an area that was open and would not feel cornered.  These are some massive animals!

Sarah thought they were an item. In her words she wrote, "I just think they are magnificent.  They are so wonderfully primal.  They couldn't care less that it is 2020 and we are going to hell.  They are looking for eats, and we can all be damned.  Don’t you love it?"

Amen to that!

1 comment:

Nick said...

They are pretty spooky looking in the dark, very special visitors Sarah!