We took out our canoe last week at Beaver Creek. Near the launch site was this tree growing out of a post!
Putting in our canoe at this nifty little entry spot, a tributary of the main creek.
It was gorgeous, and we never saw another person on the water.
There is one spot that I call limbo bridge. You have to lie down in the hull to slip under this two log bridge.
My view from the bottom of the canoe. Am I missing a leg?
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, this Douglas Squirrel is getting a calcium boost, or is it grinding down its rodent teeth?
We have had a flock of Pine Siskins at the feeder. Some of them are so tame that they keep eating while I'm holding the feeder and filling it. They might be fledglings that don't know any better.
Grrrrr... this is the Great Blue Heron that cleaned out our fish last summer, except for three little babies. Now he is determined to get them, as well as our frogs. I think there is only one fish left, if any.
To add insult to injury, I just washed my car yesterday evening, and this morning when I came out, he had sprayed poop all over it. I want to like the heron, but he's making it difficult.
This has been a berry good year for berries. Our blackberry patch down the road seems to be giving us endless berries. After a pick, its hard to tell the berry juice from the blood on our hands and arms! We have loaded up the freezer with quart bags.
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