
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Yard and Beach

Working in the yard and walking on the beach are our main activities while under house arrest.  We also are pretty religious about daily hikes from the house up the nearby forest service roads.  Below are some pictures of the yard as it progresses through spring, some beach photos, and a few deviations.  Not shown are the hours of weed and vine whacking to maintain our network of trails.

 The bullfrogs are doing well in our fish pond, but I think we only have two fish.

 We did do an 8 mile loop up Cummins Creek Trail connecting to Gwynn Creek Trail.  We didn't see another soul the whole time.  Our lunch spot on an overlook with lupine in the foreground.

 The view from the overlook.

 We're in lettuce heaven right now!

 This Bald Eagle was standing at water's edge for quite some time.

 This small rock was totally covered.

 This area has been making a great recovery from the period of sea star wasting disease that plagued the West Coast the past few years.

 Daisy enjoys wading into the tidepools.  We've been taking advantage of the minus tides and good weather the past few days.

 Beautiful Rock Creek where it passes under the 101 before running into the sea.

We had a bobcat for a couple nights on our StealthCam.

1 comment:

Andria said...

What gorgeous pictures! Your garden looks stunning. Are those blue campanula?

Daisy has the best life a dog could wish for!

What do you think happened to all your koi fish? heron, raccoon?...

So glad you are enjoying all that beautiful Yachats has to offer. I love your pictures!