
Monday, September 23, 2019

Return of the Bear

With our apples and pears beginning to ripen, word is out in the animal kingdom,"Free Buffet"! Sunday morning, a bear was caught in one of our cameras crossing the log over the river. Sunday evening, we noticed bear apple barf in our apple/pear tree enclosure, so we set up a camera there, and one by the apple tree next to the greenhouse.

Sunday night, the apple barfing culprit returns to its side of the river.

A return trip Monday night for more apple delight.  Although there is a strong fence around these 3 trees, a bear has no trouble scooting under or going over.

The time here is 6:01 AM.  In the next video at 6:04, Gail comes walking by with Daisy, not realizing that moments earlier the bear was right there.

Meanwhile, the deer were having a party under the apple tree next to the greenhouse. I had left a radio and light on in there hoping to discourage the bears.  No bears, but apparently no affect on the deer!

This afternoon, I picked a supply of apples and pears to make sure we would at least have some this year.

A few days ago, I caught this bobcat crossing the river log.


Andria said...

Whoa, what a close call with the bear. (Don't tell the bears you maybe got a Plott hound) ;)

That's very cool video of the bobcat crossing on the log.

Dave said...

Very cool footage. Such wildlife you have!