
Monday, June 17, 2019

River and Rhodies

A week ago, we had a heat wave where it reached 100.8 degrees at our house. We cooled off in the river, floating in a two person raft one day, but on Tuesday, we needed our rear ends in the water. I even did a little underwater swimming.  The river is shallow in some areas, but we have several pools where the water is still 4-5 feet deep. And cold!

 Whee - this is nice!

 We spent about two hours floating around and chillin'.

Of course their is always the ocean, 20 minutes away.  Gail rock hunting a couple weeks ago. She found three large agates in her first 10 minutes, and then nothing after that.  I found one.  This morning had a minus 1.6 foot low tide - really low!

Last month, the rhododendruns were stunning. Gail took photos of some of ours, seen below.

Thanks, Gail!

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