
Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Andria's Family Comes to Yachats

Andria, Dave, Nora, Soren, and Susanna came to stay with us from last Wednesday to Sunday. Most of the following pictures were taken by Andria which I will designate with an "A".

Susanna immediately became the daily goldfish feeder. A

The kids wanted to help out with the chores, especially chopping wood. A

Susanna scraped the moss off the logs. A

Nora mastered splitting logs, even using an overhead swing when needed.  A

Soren worked hard all morning.  A

Haulin'.  A

After all that work, a trip to the beach was in order.  A

Sculpture and sand castle fun. A

 The Devil's Churn

Kapow! A

 Cape Perpetua 

Silly version.

A juvenile Bald Eagle watches from above.  A

Andria, me, Susanna, Nora, and Soren.  A

 Hay ride time!  A


Susanna is very serious about her strumming.  A

She also enjoyed picking chard and watering the vegetables.

Watering the beans.

The spa was a hit!

The talented Susanna is also a hair dresser.

One last group shot before saying goodbye.  A

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