
Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Life At Our Place and Beyond

Now that the weather is drying out and warming, everything is growing right before our our eyes. We have been spending a lot of time mowing, weed cutting, hacking back the salmon berries, and processing firewood.  The following are some snapshots from the past week.

 While I mowed the pathways, Gail trimmed back the brambles.  We still get lost on our meandering trails!

One of the many "happy hour" spots.

 Gail swings a mean ax!

This is down at our lower woodshed.  Luckily, I can use the tractor mower and a trailer to haul wood up closer to the house.  

 I've got some veggies started in the greenhouse.  The banana plant that was left behind adds a tropical touch.  The covering of the greenhouse, except for the ends, is two layers with an insulating air space in between.  Usually my glasses fog up for a few minutes when I first walk in.

 The place to be on rainy days.

So far, we have lettuce, broccoli, and strawberries in the raised beds. In the background on the right is a nice row of blooming blueberries.

"Our" bobcat has been around the past two nights.

We do enjoy our breaks, especially down by the river.  Also, on Saturday we drove down to Florence for a movie at a cool made over theater, and then had a late lunch in the old part of town. The City Lights Theater shows art house films as well as regular movies.  We saw a London theater production of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.  

 On the way home we stopped at a wayside to look at a bog full of carnivorous plants - Darlingtonia Californica.

We realized it had been awhile since we took a selfie, shot here with Darlingtonia looking on.

We have a lot of unfamiliar garden plants blooming right now. If you know what they are, please let us know!  These are a few:

 Purple flowers.

 Orange flowers.

 Pull back of orange flowers.


Not much need for fires for awhile!

1 comment:

Nick said...

I believe the orange one is an azalea and the purple one looks a lot like columbine, although the flowers aren't as fully open-looking as I am used to seeing. Maybe compare the leaves to columbine leaves to see if they match.
And definitely Dogwood.
The property looks beautiful! :o