
Friday, July 28, 2017

Two Weeks of Boden Canyon Trail Cam Videos

We hiked up to our trail cam this morning after leaving it out for two weeks.  Apparently, we picked a good location as we captured deer, turkey, bobcat, mountain lion, gray squirrel, gray fox, and striped skunk.  Unfortunately, partly because of placement and a possibly cheap camera, some of the animals had practically passed by before the camera started.  We re-positioned the camera in a different place so that animals will be in view longer next time - we hope!

The videos below are in the order taken.  Numbers 1, 11, and 12 are the most dramatic.

Mule Deer checks out camera

Wild Turkey

Western Gray Squirrel


Mule Deer

Gray Fox

Mule Deer

Gray Fox

Striped Skunk

Mountain Lion

Mountain Lion

Gray Fox

Stay tuned, the cam is still out there!

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