After about 30 minutes of hiking, the rain stopped and the sun broke through. We didn't see a single sole for the first 3 hours - rare in Southern California! We called this hill "The Mini Benbulben".
We hiked up a little knoll for lunch, listening to the gurgling melodies of meadowlarks.
No power lines, people, bikes, dogs - aaahhhh! After this photo, we entered a ravine where we were startled by a loud chuffing noise and snapping of brush. Two deer bolted up the hill continuing to make the loud chuffing sound which we had never heard before.
Acorn Woodpecker
California Thrasher
This is a very large vernal pool. Vernal pools are temporary puddles or ponds that are becoming rare due to human activity. They are important because they support rare plants and animals that need wet winters and springs, but dry summers.
A hiker asked us if we had seen any Chocolate Lilies, as he was looking for them. About an hour later we saw some.
Chocolate Lilies.
Shooting Stars
Granite Spiny Lizard
California Peony
What a great day hike. Looks like things have greened up nicely with the rain. I still think California gets so pretty with a rainy winter.
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