
Friday, October 2, 2015

San Gorgonio Mountain

Continuing our quest for challenging hikes that aren't in the 90's or above, we set out for San Gorgonio Mountain, the highest in Southern California.  We stayed in a motel, since campgrounds were closed near the trail head.

 At the trail head of the Momyer / Alger Creek Trail, we were informed of the potential hazards, including ZOMBIES and STUPID HUMANS!  It should have warned us about the damned insects!

 We crossed the Santa Ana River, which was running a bit.  When we crossed in the late afternoon coming back, it was dry - interesting.

 Looking down at the riverbed as we ascend the relentlessly steep trail up towards San Bernardino Peak, 10,600 ft.

 After about 4 miles we reached Alger Creek, which was pleasantly running cool, clear water.

 There were several brook trout where we stopped for lunch.  This one is launching out of the water for an insect.

 Running water was a pleasant surprise!

Okay, it wasn't such a great hike in some respects.  About two thirds of the day we were harassed by swarming gnats in our faces.  This drove Gail to some drastic measures.  It would have been interesting to have met some other hikers on the trail!  We only saw one all day, and Gail had de-masked at that point.

 We climbed on through a large burn area where the trail was sketchy due to so many fallen trees.

 We eventually turned around at this point after climbing about 3,150 feet in elevation.  The peak was still another 2,000 feet higher.

Coming back down through the burn area we lost the trail briefly a couple times.

Near the bottom, Gail had a yellow jacket wasp under her hat that stung her on her scalp above her eye.  It was very painful, and she still has some effects from the sting 2 days later.  Yesterday morning we were all set to do a bike ride on the Santa Ana River Trail, which terminated by our motel, before driving home.  Unfortunately, as I pulled my bike out of the van, I saw it had gotten a flat tire since I loaded it up on Tuesday.  So it wasn't the perfect trip by any means, but we did get plenty of exercise!  Gorgonio is one tough mountain!

1 comment:

Andria said...

Yikes, poor Gail!! Those wasp stings are incredibly painful!! I was stung once while camping, and it made a "ZAP!" sound like I'd been hit bu an electric shock! It really hurt! But it was only on my finger -- I think one on the face/head would be much worse!