
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Farewell to the Johanson Family

The Johanson family stayed with us for a couple days before heading off to Colorado.  They were displaced by the movers, but we were thrilled to have them one last time.  Gail's mom was able to come over for a couple hours, too!

Before shot of festive table setting by Gail.

Tent city.  The big kids each had their own tents, Gail and I used the big "circus tent", Nick had the guest room, and Dave, Andria, and Susanna chilled in the master bedroom.

 Gail and her mom, Gwen, watch the kids romp around the yard.

 Susanna pulling Nora in the wagon.

 Uncle Nick was here, too!  He and I drove the second car with Stella the cat on the trip to Colorado - more to follow.
Susanna showing off her surfing skills.  We pulled out the old pool for one more time.

Soren wipes out.

 Gail and Susanna love to dress up their dolls.

 Susanna spent hours swimming with her dolls and having them do high dives into the hot tub.

 One of Gail's old dolls getting a beauty treatment - this is San Diego, you know!

 Costume dance party was a hit, too!

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