
Saturday, June 13, 2015

More Snakes!

I've been in boyhood heaven, lately, with some interesting snake sightings.  While doing my usual hike at Calavera on Thursday, I saw two different snakes within minutes of each other.  I have found that warmish, overcast days seem to bring good luck.

 First was this Rosy Boa, a first for me.  I had a captive bred one in my classroom for over ten years, and was very excited to find one in the wild.

They are slow moving, gentile snakes, so I brought her home for the night to show my grandchildren.  Gail and I returned her to the same location in the evening.  In this soil, among gray sticks, she is just about invisible.

The second snake was this California King Snake.

 Tasting the air.

Nora with the Rosy Boa, which she named "Sage".  Susanna also held Sage, but Andria took the pictures on her camera while I supervised.

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