
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Boden Canyon

Sunday, we wanted a long hike, so we returned to Boden Canyon.  Access is now only allowed from a long dirt road northwest of Ramona.

 The 3.6 mile road made us glad we had a somewhat high clearance vehicle.

 The last half mile to the trail head was heavily used by gun nuts for years.

 Shell casings littered the ground in drifts.

There were several warning signs in the area due to the amount of lead from bullets.  Fortunately, shooting is no longer allowed in the area.

 The trail in the canyon is still quite wild and remote.  We paused for this mountain lion scat which was solid fur.

 This is the skeleton of a wild cucumber.  It looked like a puffer fish from the side!

There were some magnificent live oaks in the canyon bottom.  Last year, by chance, we found some Native American morteros and walls in a brushy area a few hundred feet above the trail. Since the poison oak was thick in that area, and Gail suffered for days, we stayed on the trail this time.


Dave said...

The wild cucumber looks like a sliced sea urchin. I guess I have sea urchins on the brain because I keep seeing them in little crevices in the coral around here.

Andria said...

Stop bragging, Dave.

g. bird said...

That was the most magnificent oak tree. Can we please have one like that in our next yard for the cats (and me!) to climb?