
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Labor Day Weekend

Sunday, we went into San Diego's Balboa Park to see the Shakespeare play, Two Gentlemen of Verona, at the Old Globe Theater.  We had prepped the plot for a couple days, mainly with Cliff Notes.  The play was a hoot, complete with Crab the dog.

 But first, we had dinner at the zoo. We like to make good use of our annual passes!

 Also, before the play, was a free outdoor rock concert featuring the official Spreckle's Organ Pavilion organist playing with a reunited grunge band.

Monday, Andria and the kids came up for a day of fun.  Susanna delighted in playing storekeeper in our old puppet theater.

 Midday, we all watched George of the Jungle, which became the day's theme.

 After the movie it was time for pool mayhem.  Gail gamely partook in the diving exhibitions.

 Nora wisely prefers the feet first approach.

The "train" getting ready to leave the station.  We had a BBQ and birthday celebration for Andria, too.  Happy Birthday, A!

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