
Monday, June 16, 2014

Here and There

The following are a few phone pics from the last couple weeks or so.
 Nora displays one of  her Lego creations.

 We thoroughly enjoyed The Book of Mormon.  That's Moroni up on top.

 Gail eagerly anticipates the opening.

 Susanna and I have been regulars at the park just about every week.  One of our specialties is building nests out of pine needles, adding some "eggs", then sitting on them.  Not shown is some of the great sports action Soren and I have been up to.  He is becoming quite the athlete!

 Last Saturday, we attended the open house at Lux Art Institute.  This outdoor furniture was more comfortable than it looks.

We are currently cooking up plans for a Yellowstone trip in September, a probable backpacking trip with Nick and Cassidy (hopefully), surfing with Nora, and smaller trips up the coast.  Dang, it seems like summer is nearly over already! And... yesterday, Andria hosted a very pleasant and fun Father's Day BBQ for Dave and me.  I was so in the moment, I forgot to take pictures - darn!

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