
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Adams Avenue Street Fair

Okay, we walked 5 miles from Tour De Fat to Adams Avenue - it looked closer on the map.  But...  we saw some surprising art along the way.

The Left Hand Black tattoo shop had an extensive exhibition of cleaver art - just in time for Halloween.

Check out this amazing grasshopper made from pruning saws, cleavers, and knives.

Awhile later, we came to a laundromat with striking murals.

Resting our feet to some great blues, baby.  Right on!

Out on the street, kids were being zipped into plastic bubbles and thrown in a pool.

The Brothers of Praise Phase II played rockin' gospel music.  Over the weekend, there were 90 different music performances on 7 main stages.

What a neat idea for a food truck!

We absolutely enjoyed this rockabilly group, Roy Rapid and the Rhythm Rock Trio.

We ended the evening with a rousing set by The Creepy Creeps.  Despite their name, they were positive, fun, and showed concern for all of the audience.  Oh, and I was "blessed" by Sir Gravy! 

Other groups we saw and enjoyed were Euphoria Brass Band, Chris Trapper, and Neveready.  We started the 5 mile walk back to the car, but fortunately discovered a direct bus route after about 20 minutes - yeah!!

1 comment:

Andria said...

Dad, you and your "walks!" !!!

I LOVE the idea of putting those kids into giant hamster bubbles. I need one. Actually, I need three. Right now. ;)