We have been enjoying a bit of nature in our backyard, lately. The wildflower seed I sowed is finally producing, the bird feeder has been entertaining, finches are again ready to fledge from our rafters, and I got the "pool" water up into the high 90's today. The pool is a great place to soak and watch the goings on.
I read that it is estimated that there are up to 1.4 billion house finches in the U.S. We have our share!
Our bird bath has been a hit for such birds as hooded orioles, house finches, and this goldfinch.
We saw three Cooper's Hawks around the yard, yesterday. Two were fledglings (one above) who were begging for mom to bring them some food. Mom (?) has been swooping through the yard the past couple weeks due to all the birds hanging out at the feeder. We have yet to see her make a kill.
The crows have no patience for hawks, and resort to "mobbing" to drive them away.
Morning Doves come to feed on the ground under the feeder.
Surprise! We discovered a new batch of Monarch caterpillars on our milkweed plants. Somehow, monarch butterflies are finding our little butterfly garden.
Monarch finds milkweed.
We don't know the name of these, but we have a lot of them!
I admit, a camera can make a yard look like the Missouri Botanical Garden. We have had fun, in our small way, creating a bird and butterfly friendly backyard. Coming soon is a post on all the hummingbirds, Allens and Annas, that are zooming around our hummingbird feeders.