
Monday, May 13, 2013

Creek to Beach Cleanup Day

On Saturday, April 27, Gail and I participated in the Creek to Beach cleanup.

 We signed in and headed down North Ponto Beach, bucket and bags in hand.
Gail climbed sheer cliffs in her search for litter.  Our reward was this frisbee!

I found my share of garbage, too!  What was most amazing is that you can blindly scoop up a handful of sand, seaweed, or pebbles, and always find little bits of plastic, which is virtually impossible to sort out.  Gail and I routinely collect plastic bags, etc., on our hikes and bikes, so this wasn't an unusual activity for us.  It was nice to be complimented for it, though.

1 comment:

Andria said...

Good samaritans!