
Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Visit Part Two

The following are some random shots of the past four days.  Missing, are photos of our daily "soccer" tournaments in the backyard, in which we tried to kick a large exercise ball past opposing teams.  The kids really enjoyed romping on the grass in the backyard - actually it was fun for all!

 While mom and dad were out checking potential living areas, Nora, Soren, and I ventured down to the Oceanside Pier.

 We also went to the Surf Museum in Oceanside.  This is the board that Bethany Hamilton was on when a tiger shark bit off her arm at the shoulder.  You can see the size of its mouth by the chunk of missing board.  She is still competing competitively with only one arm  -  amazing!

Nora relaxing in her shire.

 We took a little outing to the Leo Carrillo Ranch, which is now a city park in Carlsbad. 

 The remaining ranch is beautifully restored and maintained.

 You can reserve the ranch for weddings and other functions - not too shabby!

 Andria appreciated how well these flowers were doing.

 The roving peacocks added an exotic element.


 Susanna meditating about life as she sucks on her hat tie.

 Gail's 1950's portable picnic table made a geat Lego table, too.

 Susanna and I enjoyed much quality rug time.  She was pulling herself up to a standing position without much difficulty, as long as she had something to hold onto.

 All three kids converging on Baba.

 Baba was fascinated by Soren's Lego camera.

 A fashion find by Gail for Susanna.

 Nora doing her best Gandalf imitation.

 Wheeeee, "Airplane!"
This picture is mainly to prove that Dave was here also.  He seems to disappear when the cameras come out.  Is this possibly part of his stealth training?

A great visit had by all!!!

1 comment:

Andria said...

Damn, my kids are cute.