
Friday, September 28, 2012

La Jolla Shores and Beyond

Today, Gail and I loaded up the snorkeling gear and headed down to La Jolla Shores to see if we could see the Leopard Sharks that spawn there.

Although I grabbed this picture off of the internet, we did see dozens of Leopard Sharks up close in water about four feet deep.  They are harmless to humans, and eat little crustaceans.  They gather at this spot to spawn during the summer and fall, and can reach seven feet in length. 

After getting some great lunch, we headed down the coast.  Here we stopped at WindanSea, which is one of the better surf spots in San Diego.  I remember drooling over pictures of the place as a teenager!

This is the palm hut that I remember seeing on a surf trip in the sixties!  It was the hangout of the WindanSea Surf Club - famous at that time.

We next headed south to the Sunset Cliffs area where we walked on the beach.  As we climbed to the top of the cliff  we noticed some rare birds in this tree? Can anyone ID them?

1 comment:

Andria said...

I believe the birds in your tree are "Humanis Collegiatis," or possibly "Humanis Boogieboardicus," human-avian hybrids.

Very cool to see leopard sharks!